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Via Aspromonte, 4 Busto Arsizio (VA) info@opticalsensing.it +39 0331324313 IT | EN
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Page: What we do

What we do


We assist our customers through all the added value chain, from the initial idea up to the manufacturing line.

With over 20 years of R&D activity on fiber optic sensors and photonics, OST provides its know-how to develop customized solutions in co-design with the customer using innovative technologies that help maximize the added value of the final product.





We have the experience to tackle complex measurement problems and evaluate the feasibility of innovative solutions using photonic technologies.

We have the equipment to make experimental tests, characterizations and measurements, technological demonstrators or functional prototypes.

We believe in collaboration with the University to direct research results to the industrial user.

We rely on laboratories at the Milan Polytechnic to deal with those developments which require equipment that we do not have available.

In particular we work in collaboration with:

We deal with the customer the process of industrialization of every innovative solution identified, by means an activity of co-design to help the introduction of the new technologies.
