Optical Sensing Technologies
Your partner for development and innovation
The Company |
OST is a company expert in photonics technologies, with a strong commitment to innovation, created by the initiative and experience of its founders in the research and development of optoelectronic and fiber optic sensors.
The OST's core business is the development of measurement systems based on laser technology, fiber optics, integrated optics.
The company is equipped with a laboratory of optoelectronics where innovative measurement solutions and prototypes designed for the customer are set up and tested.
OST also provides support to the industrialization process of the proposed systems. | |
In our logo, our mission |
 | At first glance, our logo is reminiscent of an exclamation point, because it wants to represent the realization of a brilliant, innovative idea (EUREKA!). At the same time it represents the stylized image of an optical fiber with a Bragg grating sensor, from which a light beam emerges generating the red dot. But it also has a symbolic meaning, the most important, which encompasses the meaning of our "network" philosophy which means cooperation between us and our partners: the white points represent the team members who, together, tend to a shared goal, the red dot, following a common line. Thanks to Alessandra Vecchi for creating it. |
Organization and collaborative network |
The ability to bridge the gap between research and industry is in our nature, it comes from our history.
With a production-oriented vision, we make use of university research, translating the results into concrete answers for the industrial customer, with a support action aimed at the needs of industrialization and product or process innovation.
The coordination of the activity is carried out by Val Power, which has the ability to grasp the needs of the industrial world thanks to its over-thirty-year presence on the market as a bearer of innovation. How OST performs its function: - working in close collaboration with various institutes and departments of the Politecnico di Milano such as PoliFab, DAER (Department of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies), DEIB (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), DMEC (Department of Mechanics)
- constantly interacting with selected suppliers such as FBGS with strong scientific and technological expertise in the production of optical fibers for sensoring applications
- participating in European projects such as PICS4ALL, thus taking part to a network of international partners in the field of integrated photonics
In this way it is able to act as a "bridge" between university and industrial research, channeling the efforts of the first towards the specific needs of innovation of the second. |  |
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